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Tourist guide: What to see during your visit to Cremona

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Cremona è un tesoro nascosto, anzi conosciuto principalmente per i suoi strumenti musicali antichi e le deliziose specialità alimentari. Incastonata nel cuore della Lombardy, questa città italiana ha molto di più da offrire ed è un luogo da scoprire lentamente, assaporando ogni dettaglio e immergendosi nella sua atmosfera unica e coinvolgente.

Monuments You Can't Miss

The beauty of Cremona is revealed in the details: you will find narrow cobbled streets, historic palazzi, and violin-making shops where violins and cellos are still made by hand. But there are some places that cannot be missed on your itinerary.

The Cathedral of Cremona

First and foremost is the Cathedral of Cremona, one of the most important Romanesque-Gothic churches in Italy. The interior is a veritable museum of art: frescoes, sculptures, altarpieces, everything contributes to creating an atmosphere of authentic spirituality.

Torrazzo Tower

Next to the Duomo, you cannot fail to notice the imposing Torrazzo Tower. At 112 metres high, it offers a panoramic view of the city that will leave you breathless. The climb is not the easiest, but the effort is amply repaid by the spectacular view.

Cremona, City of Music

Cremona is known throughout the world as the city of violin makers. Here, in fact, Antonio Stradivari, the most famous of these artists, was born. It is to him that the Violin Museum is dedicated, an unmissable place for music lovers.

Violin Museum

In addition to housing violins of rare beauty and value, the Violin Museum often offers concerts and live performances. This is a unique opportunity to hear the sounds of these instruments made by master violin makers.

Food and Wine Specialities

Food lovers will find a wide choice of food and wine specialities in Cremona. You cannot fail to taste the traditional Cremonese torrone and mostarda.

Nougat of Cremona

Il torrone di Cremona è una dolce tentazione a cui è difficile resistere: nocciole, mandorle, miele e albume d’uovo sono gli ingredienti principali di questa delizia.

Cremonese Mostarda

Cremonese mostarda, on the other hand, is a perfect combination of sweet and spicy, a fruit and mustard-based condiment ideal for accompanying cheesy meats.

Events and Events

Cremona is a lively city that hosts numerous events and cultural manifestations throughout the year.

Nougat Festival

One of the most eagerly awaited festivals is the Festa del Torrone, which takes place in November. This event celebrates the flavours of chocolate, almonds and hazelnuts, the basic ingredients of traditional nougat.

Stradivari Festival

Another unmissable event for classical music fans is the Stradivari Festival. This event attracts visitors from all over the world for its performances and concerts.


Cremona è una perla lombarda, una città in cui art, musica e gastronomy si fondono perfettamente, regalando a ogni visitatore un’esperienza unica e indimenticabile. Se stai pianificando una visita, assicurati di prenderti tutto il tempo necessario per esplorarla: solo così potrai cogliere la vera essenza di questa splendida città.

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